Visual Artist

As a Visual Artist I enjoy combining the versatility of polymer clay with my own sense of artistic expression to create works of art - both as wearable fashion statements or for those who choose to bring the uniqueness of original art into their homes. 

My work has become recognized for multi-layering and texturing techniques that allow the works to become sculptural or sometimes fool the eye. While pan pastels are introduced as colour-enhancement, some pieces also include found objects ... recently I have been scavenging rusty bits of wire from local construction sites!

My process is improvisational and intuitive. I allow each step to inform what comes next and I embrace imperfections. I like to invite mystery or surprise into each piece and I love stories! Every piece has one, and I delight in hearing how my work speaks to the viewer!

My work is for sale through this website. Please feel free to contact me re pricing. It can also be found for sale at ArtwithPanache Gallery, Talbot Centre, 465 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, where I also volunteer as a contributing artist. Watch the 'Events' page for other venues throughout the year.